About the Artists


Aaliyah Bilal

Aaliyah Bilal is a fiction/non-fiction writer. Previously she was a recipient of the Shansi Memorial Fellowship at Yunnan University where for two years she conducted research among Hui Zu Muslims. A graduate of The School of Oriental and African Studies at The University of London, she is finishing a book on her experience living as a black woman in East Asia.


Robert Liu Trujillo

Rob's a life long Bay Area resident. Born in Oakland, he's the child of student activists who talked about the proletariat at the dinner table much to his dismay. Rob grew up to be an artist falling in love with graffiti, fine art, illustration, murals, and children's books. In that order. He's a dad of a teenage boy and a brand new baby girl. He loves coffee cookie dream ice cream and gets to be a husband to a superwoman who laughs big and tires to correct his grammar every chance she gets. He is also the author and illustrator of "Furqan's First Flat Top".